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    신공학관 10109호
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    Case Western Reserve University 전기화학 (전공) 이학 박사 (Ph.D.)
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    전기화학, 에너지화학, 나노화학
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  • 학사학위 과정
    서울 대학(교) 화학 (전공) 이학 학사
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    서울 대학(교) 물리화학 (전공) 이학 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    Case Western Reserve University 전기화학 (전공) 이학 박사 (Ph.D.)
  • 담당 과목
    전기화학 / 나노화학 / 응용화학
  • 대표 논문
    - Novel Energy Relay Dyes for High Efficiency Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, Nanoscale, 7, 3526 – 3531 (2015)
    - Edge-Carboxylated Graphene Nanoplatelets as Metal-Free Counter Electrodes for Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells, Energy & Environmental Science, 7, 1044 – 1052 (2014)
    - High-performance dye-sensitized solar cells using edge-halogenated graphene nanoplatelets as counter electrodes, Nano Energy, 13, 336 – 345 (2015)
  • 홈페이지
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  • 교수연구실
    신공학관 8112호
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    연세대학교 금속공학
  • 전공 분야
    재료화학, 재료전기화학
  • 세부 연구분야
    이차전지 소재, 전고체전지, 에너지 소재, 방사광 가속기 x-선 고도분석
  • 학사학위 과정
    연세대학교 금속공학 공학사
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    연세대학교 금속공학
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    신소재공학개론I/ 신소재공학개론II/ 재료결정학개론/ 이차전지실험
  • 대표 논문
    - Kyung-Wan Nam, Seong-Min Bak, Enyuan Hu, Xiqian Yu, Youngning Zhou, Xiaojian Wang, Lijun Wu*, Yimei Zhu, and Xiao-Qing Yang*, “Combining in situ Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction and Absorption Techniques with Transmission Electron Microscopy to Study the Origin of Thermal Instability in Overcharged Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries”, Advanced Functional Materials (Frontispiece article), Vol. 23 (8), pp 1047–1063 (2013)

    - Yan-Yan Hu, Zigeng Liu, Kyung-Wan Nam, Olaf J. Borkiewicz, Jun Cheng, Xiao Hua, Matthew Dunstan, Xiqian Yu, Kamila M. Wiaderek, Lin-Shu Du, Karena W. Chapman, Peter J. Chupas, Xiao-Qing Yang, Clare P. Grey*, “Origin of additional capacities in metal oxide lithium-ion battery electrodes”, Nature Materials, Vol. 12(12) pp1130 – 1136 (2013)

    - Enyuan Hu, Seong-Min Bak, Jue Liu, Xiqian Yu, Yongning Zhou, Steven N. Ehrlich, and Xiao-Qing Yang* and Kyung-Wan Nam*, “Oxygen-release Related Thermal Stability and Decomposition Pathways of LixNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Cathode Materials”, Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 26 (2), pp 1108–1118 (2014)

    -Mobinul Islam, Muhammad Akbar, Daseul Han, Basit Ali, Yong Jeong Choi, Jaewoon Lee, Gwanghyeon Choi, Jae-Ho Park, Ji-Young Kim, Hun-Gi Jung, Kyung Yoon Chung, Duho Kim*, Yong-Mook Kang*, Kyung-Wan Nam*, “Unraveling vacancy-induced oxygen redox reaction and structural stability in Na-based layered oxides”, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 431 (2022) 133962.

    -Hiram Kwak, Jae-Seung Kim, Daseul Han, Jong Seok Kim, Juhyoun Park, Gihan Kwon, Seong-Min Bak, Unseon Heo, Changhyun Park, Hyun-Wook Lee, Kyung-Wan Nam*, Dong-Hwa Seo*, Yoon Seok Jung*, “Boosting the interfacial superionic conduction of halide solid electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries”, Nature Communications, Vol. 14 (2023) 2459

    -Liang Fang, Daseul Han, Seongkoo Kang, Un-Seon Heo, Kyung-Wan Nam*, Yong-Mook Kang*, “Non-monotonic first-cycle irreversible capacity governed by delithiation depth in Li-rich layered cathodes”, Energy & Environmental Science, (2023) DOI: 10.1039/D3EE00435J
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  • 교수연구실
    신공학관 10107호
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    KAIST 화학과 화학과(전공) 박사
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    배터리전극및전해질개발, 수소생산촉매개발, 원자력제염소재개발
  • 학사학위 과정
    연세대학교 화학과 이학 학사
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    KAIST 화학과 화학과(전공) 이학 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    KAIST 화학과 화학과(전공) 박사
  • 담당 과목
    물리화학I / 물리화학II/ 무기화학/ 촉매재료
  • 대표 논문
    Enhanced pseudocapacitance of ionic liquid/cobalt hydroxide nanohybrids, ACS Nano, 7, 2453 (2013)
    Anisotropic volume expansion of crystalline silicon during electrochemical lithium insertion: an atomic level rationale, Nano Lett., 12, 5342 (2012)
    Can an electron-shell closing model explain the structure and stability of ligand-stabilized metal clusters?, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, 6090 (2011)
  • 홈페이지
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  • 교수연구실
    신공학관 10104호
  • 최종 학력
    이학박사, PhD 2004년 8월
  • 전공 분야
  • 세부 연구분야
    2차원 층상형 무기물을 이용한 생물/환경/촉매/에너지/발광 소재 응용 연구
  • 학사학위 과정
    1996.3~2000.2 서울대학교 자연과학부 화학전공 (이학사)
  • 박사학위 과정
    2000.3~2004.8 서울대학교 대학원 화학부 이학박사 (석박통합과정)
  • 담당 과목
    어드벤처디자인, 고체재료화학, 바이오재료학, 융합신소재기초실험(1), (2), (3)
  • 대표 저서
    Nanomaterials for the Life Sciences Vol.7: Biomimetic and Bioinspired Nanomaterials (Book Chapter
  • 대표 논문
    "Enhancing long-term stability and energy/power density of sodium ion battery through fluorination-induced electron density engineering in covalent organic nanosheets", Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 477, 147072

    "Improved quantum yield of thermally activated delayed fluorescence by nanoconfinement in organophilic octosilicate", Applied Clay Science, 2023, 236, 106882

    "Hybridization of Layered Titanium Oxides and Covalent Organic Nanosheets into Hollow Spheres for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries with Boosted Electrical/Ionic Conductivity and Ultralong Cycle Life", ACS Nano, 2023, 17(3) 3019-3036

    "Surface-modified wrinkled mesoporous nanosilica as an effective adsorbent for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene in indoor air", ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5(12), 18138-18148

    "Topology dependent modification of layered double hydroxide for therapeutic and diagnostic platform", Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2022, 188, 114459
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  • 교수연구실
    신공학관 10102호
  • 최종 학력
    카이스트 신소재공학과 공학박사
  • 전공 분야
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    박막 트랜지스터/이차전지
  • 학사학위 과정
    고려대학교 재료금속공학부
  • 석사학위 과정
    카이스트 재료공학과
  • 박사학위 과정
    카이스트 신소재공학과
  • 담당 과목
    유기재료2, 디스플레이공학, 세라믹재료
  • 대표 논문
    "Halide double perovskite-based efficient mechanical energy harvester and storage devices for self-charging power unit." Nano Energy, 107, 108148, 2023.

    "High-power nanogenerator of 2D-layered perovskite in a polymer matrix for self-charging battery-powered electronics." Nano Energy, 103, 107781, 2022.

    "Stabilizing the surface of Ni-rich cathodes via facing-target sputtering for high-performance lithium-ion batteries." Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10.47, 25009-25018, 2022.

    "Improved Performance of All‐Solid‐State Lithium Metal Batteries via Physical and Chemical Interfacial Control." Advanced Science, 9.2, 2103433, 2022.

    "Investigation of Ordering on Oxygen‐Deficient LiNi0. 5Mn1. 5O4‐δ Thin Films for Boosting Electrochemical Performance in All‐Solid‐State Thin‐Film Batteries." Small, 18.24, 2201134, 2022.

    “An antisite defect mechanism for room-temperature ferroelectricity in orthoferrites” Nature communications, 12.1, 4298, 2021.

    “Ensemble Design of Electroder-Electrolyte Interfaces: Toward High-Performance Thin-Film All-Solid-State Li-Ion Batteries” ACS Nano, 15.3, 4561-4575, 2021.

    “Metal-Induced n+/n Homojunction for Ultra-High Electron Mobility Transistors” NPG Asia Materials, 12.1, 81, 2020.

    “Anomalous Defect Dependence of Thermal Conductivity in Epitaxial WO3 Thin Films” Advanced Materials, 31.43, 1903738, 2019.

    “Flexible energy storage devices based on graphene paper” Energy & Environmental Science, 4.4, 1277-1283, 2011.
  • 홈페이지
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  • 교수연구실
    신공학관 10128호
  • 최종 학력
    Kyushu University 물질창조공학과 공학박사
  • 전공 분야
    유기전자 재료 및 소자
  • 세부 연구분야
    유기 소재 합성, 소자 최적화 및 공정 연구
  • 학사학위 과정
    동국대학교 생명화학공학과 공학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    Kyushu University 물질창조공학과 공학석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    Kyushu University 물질창조공학과 공학박사
  • 담당 과목
    유기전자재료 및 응용, 나노소재특론, 무기화학
  • 대표 저서
    Organic Electronics Materials and Devices
    Chapter 2: Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs): Materials
    and Device Physics
  • 대표 논문
    - “Luminous Butterflies: Efficient Exciton Harvesting by Benzophenone Derivatives for Full-Color Delayed Fluorescence OLEDs”, Sae Youn Lee, Takuma Yasuda, Yu Seok Yang, Qisheng Zhang, Chihaya Adachi, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 126, 6520 (2014)

    - “High-Efficiency Blue Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence from Phenoxaphosphine and Phenoxathiin Derivatives”, Sae Youn Lee, Chihaya Adachi, Takuma Yasuda, Adv. Mater., 28, 4626 (2016)

    - “Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Polymers for Efficient Solution-Processed Organic Light-Emitting Diodes”, Sae Youn Lee, Takuma Yasuda, Hideaki Komiyama, Jiyoung Lee, Chihaya Adachi, Adv. Mater., 28, 4019 (2016)
  • 홈페이지
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  • 교수연구실
    신공학관 10105호
  • 최종 학력
    서울대학교 재료공학부 공학박사
  • 전공 분야
    에너지재료, 나노재료
  • 세부 연구분야
    고분자소재, 나노소재 합성, 광학소자
  • 학사학위 과정
    서울대학교 재료공학부 공학사
  • 박사학위 과정
    서울대학교 재료공학부 공학박사
  • 담당 과목
    반도체공정, 세라믹재료, 고분자재료
  • 대표 논문
    - “Fluorination on both D and A units in D-A type conjugated copolymers based on difluorobithiophene and benzothiadiazole for highly efficient polymer solar cells”, Jea Woong Jo, Jae Woong Jung, Eui Hyuk Jung, Hyungju Ahn, Tae Joo Shin, Won Ho Jo, Energy Environ. Sci., 8, 2427 (2015)

    - “Improving Performance and Stability of Flexible Planar-Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells Using Polymeric Hole-Transport Material” Jea Woong Jo, Myung-Seok Seo, Minwoo Park, Jae-Yup Kim, Joon Suh Park, Il Ki Han, Hyungju Ahn, Jae Woong Jung, Byeong-Hyeok Sohn, Min Jae Ko, Hae Jung Son, Adv. Funct. Mater., 26, 4464 (2016)

    - “Enhanced Open‐Circuit Voltage in Colloidal Quantum Dot Photovoltaics via Reactivity‐Controlled Solution‐Phase Ligand Exchange” Jea Woong Jo, Younghoon Kim, Jongmin Choi, F Arquer, Grant Walters, Bin Sun, Olivier Ouellette, Junghwan Kim, Andrew H Proppe, Rafael Quintero‐Bermudez, James Fan, Jixian Xu, Chih Shan Tan, Oleksandr Voznyy, Edward H Sargent. Adv. Mater. 29, 1703627 (2017)

    - Ionic Liquid-Mediated Reconstruction of Perovskite Surface for Highly Efficient Photovoltaics, Chem. Eng. J., 446, 137351 (2022)

    - Understanding Effects of Ion Diffusion on Charge Carrier Mobility of Electrolyte-gated Organic Transistor Using Ionic Liquid-embedded Poly(3-hexylthiophene), Adv. Funct. Mater., 32, 2108215 (2022)

    - Ethylene glycol-containing ammonium salt for developing highly compatible interfaces in perovskite solar cells, Chem. Eng. J., 455, 140833 (2023)

    - Dual-Phase Stabilized Perovskite Nanowires for Reduced Defects and Longer Carrier Lifetime, Adv. Funct. Mater, 33, 2210155 (2023)

    - Electrolyte-Gated Perovskite Transistors Functionalized with Conjugated Polymers, ACS Materials Lett., 5, 388 (2023)
  • 홈페이지
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  • 교수연구실
    신공학관 9107호
  • 최종 학력
    광주과학기술원 나노바이오전자재료 공학과
  • 전공 분야
    반도체 소재 및 소자
  • 세부 연구분야
    유기 반도체 소재 및 소자 응용
  • 학사학위 과정
    동국대학교 생명화학공학과
  • 박사학위 과정
    광주과학기술원 나노바이오전자재료 공학과
  • 담당 과목
    물리화학 (분광학), 반도체소자공정(캡스톤디자인)
  • 대표 논문
    - One‐Step Sixfold Cyanation of Benzothiadiazole Acceptor Units for Air‐Stable High‐Performance
    n‐Type Organic Field‐Effect Transistors”, (교신), Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 5970–5977 (2021).

    - Bias-modulated multicolor discrimination enabled by an organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite photodetector with a p-i-n-i-p configuration”, (교신), Laser & Photonics Reviews, 14, 2000305 (2020).

    - Efficient Charge Carrier Injection and Balance Achieved by Low Electrochemical Doping in Solution‐Processed Polymer Light‐Emitting Diodes”, (교신), Adv. Functional Mater., 29, 1904092 (2019).

    - Effect of Processing Additives on Organic Photovoltaics: Recent Progress and Future Prospects”,(1저자), Adv. Energy Mater., 7, 1601496 (2017).

    - Organic single-crystal semiconductor films on a millimeter domain scale”, (1저자), Adv. Mater. 27, 6870-6877 (2015).
  • 홈페이지
    • NBEDL

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  • 교수연구실
    만해관 420호
  • 최종 학력
    고려대학교 화학과
  • 전공 분야
    나노화학, 재료전기화학
  • 세부 연구분야
    화학/전기 에너지 전환, 수소 저장 소재
  • 학사학위 과정
    고려대학교 화학과
  • 박사학위 과정
    고려대학교 화학과
  • 대표 논문
    - Recent Advances in Single- and Dual-Atom Catalysts for Efficient Nitrogen Electro-Reduction and Their Perspectives, Advanced Powder Materials (2025) [IF: 28.7]

    - Double-walled Tubular Heusler-type Platinum–ruthenium Phosphide as All-pH Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Catalyst Outperforming Platinum and Ruthenium, Advanced Energy Materials (2024) [IF: 24.4]

    - Remnant Copper Cation-Assisted Atom Mixing in Multicomponent Nanoparticles, ACS Nano (2024) [IF: 15.8]

    - Safeguarding RuO2 phase against lattice oxygen oxidation during acidic water electrooxidation, Energy & Environmental Science (2022) [IF: 32.4]

    - Directing the surface atomic geometry on copper sulfide for enhanced electrochemical nitrogen reduction, ACS Catalysis (2022) [IF: 11.7]
  • 연락처
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  • 교수연구실
    만해관 309호
  • 최종 학력
    University of Florida, Ph.D
    Department of Materials Science and Engineering
  • 전공 분야
  • 세부 연구분야
    수전해 촉매, 아연이온전지, 리튬이온전지
  • 학사학위 과정
    한양대학교 세라믹공학과 학사
  • 석사학위 과정
    한양대학교 신소재공학과 석사
  • 박사학위 과정
    department of materials science and engineering, university of florida 박사
  • 담당 과목
    어드벤처디자인, 전기화학변환및저장, 화공/에너지신소재 BK 콜로키엄
  • 대표 논문
    1. Parallelized Reaction Pathway and Stronger Internal Band Bending by Partial Oxidation of Metal Sulfide–Graphene Composites: Important Factors of Synergistic Oxygen Evolution Reaction Enhancement, ACS Catalysis, ACS Catal. 2018, 8, 5, 4091–4102

    2. Advantageous crystalline–amorphous phase boundary for enhanced electrochemical water oxidation, Energy Environ. Sci., 2019,12, 2443-2454

    3. Enhanced electrochemical performance of aqueous Zn-ion batteries based on Na2V6O16·2H2O cathodes: insights from DFT and synchrotron X-ray analysis, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2025, Advanced Article

    4. Unraveling the mechanism of enhanced oxygen evolution reaction using NiOx@Fe3O4decorated on surface-modified carbon nanotubes, . J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 17596-17606
  • 연락처
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  • 교수연구실
    만해관 310호
  • 최종 학력
    서울과학기술대학교 신소재공학, 공학박사
  • 전공 분야
    에너지 저장 소재
  • 세부 연구분야
    전고체 전지, 아연-이온 전지, 리튬-이온 전지, 웨어러블 슈퍼커패시터
  • 학사학위 과정
    서울과학기술대학교 신소재공학
  • 석사학위 과정
    서울과학기술대학교 신소재공학
  • 박사학위 과정
    서울과학기술대학교 신소재공학
  • 담당 과목
  • 대표 논문
    1) Interfacial Electrochemical Media-Engineered Tunable Vanadium Zinc Hydrate Oxygen Defect for Enhancing the Redox Reaction of Zinc-Ion Hybrid Supercapacitors, Advanced Energy Materials [IF : 24.4 / JCR : 2.6%] 13 (2023) 2300630

    2) 2D Metal Zn Nanostructure Electrodes for High-Performance Zn Ion Supercapacitors, Advanced Energy Materials [IF : 24.4 / JCR : 2.6%] 10 (2020) 1902981

    3) Multifunctional Zinc Vanadium Oxide Layer on Metal Anodes Via Ultrathin Surface Coating for Enhanced Stability in Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries, ACS Energy Letters [IF : 19.5 / JCR : 4.1%] 9 (2024) 5955

    4) Integrated Solution for a Stable and High-Performance Zinc-Ion Battery using an Electrolyte Additive, Energy Storage Materials [IF : 18.9 / JCR : 4.2%] 61 (2023) 102845

    5) Surface Engineering of Carbon via Coupled Porosity Tuning and Heteroatom-Doping for High-Performance Flexible Fibrous Supercapacitors, Advanced Functional Materials [IF : 18.5 / JCR : 4.1%] 31 (2021) 2104256

    6) Hybrid Smart Fiber with Spontaneous Self-Charging Mechanism for Sustainable Wearable Electronics, Advanced Functional Materials [IF : 18.5 / JCR : 4.1%] 30 (2020) 1908479

    7) Enhanced Spontaneous Self-Charging through Scalable Template-Free Surface Engineering at Building Block Fiber Scale for Wearable Electronics, Nano Energy [IF : 16.8 / JCR : 5.3%] 104, part A (2022) 107891
  • 홈페이지